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Price-Match Guarantee


We work hard to maintain a good relationship with our clients, and the prices are an inevitable key factor when doing business. Due to the way we work with our manufacturer, we are able to move bigger quantities than our competitors and in turn results in lower prices. This is why we are able to offer a 100% price-match guarantee.


The price match offer is only valid if sufficient evidence is provided. The following points needs to be fulfilled in order for the price match to be valid:

  • The product/product model needs to be identical and have the same specifications.
  • The product(s) we are price matching need(s) to be up to date.
  • A direct and working link to the competitors webpage.
  • Freight costs will not be included in the price match.

All materials and evidence should be sent to our email: support@diffusionpumpoil.com, for final review, and we will be in touch as soon as possible.